Sunday, February 08, 2009

Today's post brought to you by the letter "M".

A fun little game going around the web now -- and I somehow managed to draw the letter "M"! I got this from Karen's blog. You are supposed to list 10 things you like/love beginning with whichever letter is chosen for you. If you'd like to play, leave a comment.

My Mum

My moggies, Charlie and Malcolm


Miss Mollie




Mist-covered Mountains

The Moon



Teena Vallerine said...

Oh this looks like fun! Love that you managed to get Moggies in there! A bit of a creative sidestep! Not sure I'd get around to doing it but I'm off to find some more players! t.x

Balwearie said...

Sometimes it comes in handy to have an odd vocabulary.... If you want to play, try the letter "W".