Saturday, October 28, 2006

Old list

A little something I found while going through my hard drive:

25 Things I Appreciate Just As They Are:

1) Cold beer
2) Flannel sheets
3) A kiss
4) The sound of the tea kettle whistling
5) Casmir
6) T-shirts
7) The Outer Banks of North Carolina
8) French toast
9) Penny loafers
10) A kitten
11) Tall ships
12) homemade tomato soup
13) Crayola crayons
14) Sunsets/starry nights/full moons
15) A bubble bath
16) Violent, paralizing snowstorms....midweek
17) Potato chips and onion dip
18) A new hardcover book
19) A fire in the fireplace
20) Thunderstorms
21) Popcorn at the movies
22) Red lipstick
23) An old Bordeaux wine
24) oatmeal cookies
25) A ripe, ready-to-burst peach

1 comment:

Meaghan said...

:) your list made me smile