Thursday, May 27, 2010

There he is!

There he is!
Originally uploaded by Crazy Spider
Is this not just one of the most darling little guys you've ever seen? At least... I'm assuming this is a male. There's a smaller, less colourful frog which lives in the pond as well - maybe a female? If this is the male, then his name is "Louis". The other one's name is Antoinette and she's very shy. I've only seen her once and not long enough to get my camera ready. I'd have to lurk very quietly for a great deal of time and hey... it's just to daggone hot here right now for that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Little itty bitty quilts

I finally got around to putting the binding on a quilt I started over a year ago -- my goal is to cover the wall in my stairwell with miniature quilts that I and my mother have made over the years as well as other things family members have done.

My mother made this little star quilt for my doll house way back when.